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FunnelKit Automations


Click on Campaigns ⇨ Broadcasts to reach this section.

Campaigns ⇨ Broadcasts

You'll see a list of all the broadcasts you've created. You can choose the option of seeing the broadcasts that are already scheduled, ongoing, completed, or paused.

You can see all the overviewing details related to a particular broadcast on this interface. This will include:

  • Name of your campaign
  • Creation date
  • Execution date
  • Contacts
  • Sent
  • Open Rate
  • Click Rate
  • Revenue
  • Status

Filtering the Broadcasts

In addition, you can actually filter the information visible to you on this page. You can sort your broadcast dashboard specs by using the following filters:

Filtering the Broadcasts

Turn the toggle on or off to view a particular detail about your broadcasts.


You get different options when you click on the action button provided to the left of a broadcast's name.

Let's explore all the actions one by one:

★ View a broadcast

You'll be able to view your broadcast and all the information as well as content under it.

View a broadcast

Now, you'll be able to see a complete overview of this broadcast including the details, content and action steps.

See the full broadcast overview

★ Clone a broadcast

You can make a clone of your broadcast. It'll copy all the settings as well as segments and content of your broadcast and produce a clone of it with a label (Copy) next to its name.

Clone a broadcast

Within a few seconds, it'll generate a clone of your broadcast on the top.

Broadcast clone added

★ Send to unopen

This action allows you to resend a broadcast to the contacts who have not opened your initial email broadcast yet.

Explore this documentation on how to use the Resend to Unopen feature in FunnelKit Automations.

Send to Unopen

★ Cancel a broadcast

You can cancel a paused or ongoing broadcast. To do that, click on the action button and hit Cancel.

This is the option provided to cancel your email or SMS broadcasts in case of any mistake.

You'll be able to cancel your broadcasts sent to any number of contacts before any of your emails get delivered.

Cancel a broadcast

Since it's a permanent action, therefore it'll ask you for a canceling confirmation.

Broadcast cancel confirmation

Upon cancellation, you'll be able to see it under the Cancelled tab.

Cancelled broadcast

★ Pause or resume a broadcast

Pause a running broadcast by clicking on the action button and choosing Pause.

Pause a running broadcast

Resume a paused broadcast from the Resume action button.

Resume a paused broadcast

★ Delete a broadcast

If you want to delete any broadcast from the list, you can do it by hitting the Delete action button.

Please note that deleting any broadcast is a permanent action and cannot be undone.

Delete a broadcast

It'll ask you the confirmation of deleting a broadcast.

Delete broadcast confirmation

Once confirmed, your broadcast will be deleted.

So, this is what the first screen of Broadcasts looks like. Let's go on ahead to learn more about the interface.
