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One Click Upsells


Shipping Label For Flat Rate Shipping Charges

If you add shipping charges to upsell, you need to mention the label. This label will be shown in order summary on thank you page, order emails, or wherever else applicable.

Enable Logging

Enable this option if you want to create records of data logging every time when an upsell runs.

Meta Keys To Copy From Primary Order

When you create a separate upsell order, you can mention the order meta keys which we need to copy from the primary order. Each key needs to be separated by pipe character (|)

Treat Variable products like Simple products

Enable this setting if you want your users to skip an offer when any variant of a variable product is sold.

Enable no conflict mode

Turn on this option to remove third-party plugin scripts on the plugin's admin pages.

Once you're done, click on the Save changes button.
